Monday, August 31, 2009

So heavenly minded that you are no earthly good

I can remember hearing my old Pastor say don't be so Heavenly minded that you are no earthly good, and I wondered what he meant. Then I experienced a holyier than thou saint and knew what he meant. In the secular world that's what someone who puts on airs is called. You've seen it before. Skirt may be sweeping the ground, doilie on there head, they don't talk to unsaved folk, and they cannot carry on a conversation without saying Jesus,or God every five seconds. I do not know where we as children of God got the notion that we can get closer to God by separating ourselves from our co-workers, and strangers. We have become a bubble generation surrounded by an invisible forcefield of holy latex separating us from connecting with the person who is standing next to us. If we truly were following the teachings and character of Jesus then we would know that he never lived His life in this manner. He put Himself in the midst of the people. Whether He was walking by the seaside looking for disciples,or he was in the Temple preaching to the passerbys about the goodness of God. Jesus never thought that anyone was too destitute to be saved by God. We have to learn to come out of our Holy bubbles and fellowship with others. It does not mean that we are being heathens, if anything we are showing our unsaved friends, family, and co-workers that we not only have love for the saved but the unsaved.... Some people may never have a desire to step into a church;therefore, as saved, sanctified believers of God we have to bring the church and God's love to them. Let them see His light in our laugh, in our smile, and in how we treat our fellow man. Just a thought.

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