Saturday, February 22, 2014

I Am Slave

Romans 12:verse 12. Rejoice in Hope, Patient in Tribulation, Continuing Steadfast in Prayer. Day in Day out you work for others, never able to take time out for rest. Running from our job to the next. At day's end your tired and aching body is made to lay on a bed you barely visit for resting. You ask God to deliver you from anxiety, stress, turmoil, and depression. Not realizing that he has given you the tools to bring about your own blessing. Stop being a slave to society, the world, and man. Know that your peace lies in your own hands. Trying to keep up with Jones's day in and day out. While your moral fiber is pimped and turned inside out. Is that new car, furniture,clothing, or shoes truly what makes up you? Or is the outward man trying to cover up the dead soul that is within. I am slave is what your soul says every time you deny the truth. I am slave to the world, my emotions, my friends, as well as my sin. I am Slave. To my looks, idolizing the rapper, singer and models in the magazines. Starving yourself to get a figure and physique that is fake an airbrushed by a graphic artist. I am Slave to the demons from my past. If you follow God's direction you would not keep failing the same test. Learn to gird your loins with the breast plate of truth, and the belt of righteousness. Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel so that during tough times you will be able to stand. I am Free. Whole and Complete. Slave No More.

This Flesh is On Fire

Romans 12:verse 12. Rejoice in Hope, Patient in Tribulation, Continuing Steadfast in Prayer. This Flesh is on Fire This Flesh will make you desire the perverse, pornographic, pedophiliac, pontification,of a painful polluted urge that will take you higher and higher into a world of liars. This Flesh is on Fire…. And once you feed it, it will require. More and more of your time, your mind, your should, until it destroys dreams, direction, destiny until you have no control. In I Corinthians 7:8-Paul said that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. However you keep playing with this fire, as it continues to harass your sleeping, and waking hours. When will you realize you have submitted all your Power to a person, a place, an action, an appendage, or some breast. Transform your mind,and accept nothing less than being a whole person. Mind, Body, and Spirit. Beware of this Fire do not play with it. You have your hand pressing uplifted in the Spirit. Your toes and feet flat footed in Hot Lava that is gradually devouring your ankles, knees, hips and you remain up in it. Repent and get a relationship with God. Lay Prostrate before Him and finally submit it. Let transparency and honesty shine around your neck like an immaculate sapphire. Finally being true to yourself and God and admit. This Flesh is On Fire.

His Touch is Real

Romans 12:verse 12. Rejoice in Hope, Patient in Tribulation, Continuing Steadfast in Prayer. His Touch is real, his touch can heal. Transform,deliver,anoint,manifest destiny,order,position,and transfer a live that is real. In a world where there is false love, false friends on FaceTime,as you race against time; to learn , hear,build a life that has no reason or rhyme continually sacrificing your flesh on the altar of sin. Trust His word,Trust His love, His touch is real

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