Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, New You, New Norm

Well this year is starting off with a bang for me. I am in a place I never thought I would be. Reconciling with a love I never thought I would allow back in my heart. It is funny how God's will and our will differs in alot of ways. He desires that we should prosper even as our soul prospers, and that we live a life of selflessness, unconditional love, forgiveness, and honesty. I see that this year will be one of submission, hard truths, true love, happiness, joy, and peace of mind. So as I enter into the second week of the new year, I say thank you Lord, for my health, life, and my strength. The enemy will not have a hold on my finances, my emotions, my children,or my family this year,or any year after this.
I pray the same for you and yours. God Bless

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